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Companies USA Companies in the state of Tennessee
Cataloxy Nashville...Companies in NashvilleEducation, Training & OrganizationsEducation and trainingTraining courses, computing systems, information technology (IT), internet and multimediaNew Horizons Computer Learning

New Horizons Corp, Nashville


city Nashville

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IT Training & Certification , New Horizons Computer Learning Centers

Founded in 1971, New Horizons Corporation is a nonprofit organization that works to empower adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live and work in middle Tennessee. The organization manages a production center that offers training sessions for service recipients. It also provides access to community-based employment solutions. New Horizons Corporation manages group homes that offer monitoring services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition, the organization administers assisted living programs that feature options to live with companions who coach service recipients in independent settings. It provides a variety of cleaning, landscaping and mechanical assembly solutions through service recipients.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about New Horizons Corp in Nashville you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 1971

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 Address: 5221 Harding Pl
37217, Nashville, Tennessee

More 1 address of the company in city Nashville on the map

New Horizons Corp address

5221 Harding Pl, Nashville, TN 37217
Phone: (615) 360-8595

New Horizons Corp address

220 Athens Way Ste 150
Phone: (615) 360-8595

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